I just finished a complete overhaul of the Pearl Harbor Raid gallery. 56 of the 59 photos have been updated with larger, high resolution photographs, and some of the me are absolutely stunning, so why not check it out?
I just finished a complete overhaul of the Pearl Harbor Raid gallery. 56 of the 59 photos have been updated with larger, high resolution photographs, and some of the me are absolutely stunning, so why not check it out?
Welcome to the newly redesigned warinphotos.com! The new design sports a fully responsive mobile-friendly layout, improved gallery pages which should be more pleasant to navigate, and improved photo pages which allow a larger and more prominent view of the photo.
In addition to the redesign, I have begun updating the galleries with higher quality, higher resolution copies of the existing photos, in many cases increasing the resolution by 3-4 times! The Tanks and D-Day galleries have already been totally overhauled, so check those out, and the rest of the galleries will be updated in the coming weeks.
If you have any feedback on the new design, it is always welcome via our contact page.
I registered a new domain name for this website today:
warphotos.basnetworks.net is now known as warinphotos.com!
I was meaning to register a proper domain name for a long time, but couldn't decide on one. Last week warinphotos.com popped in my head, sounded perfect, and wasn't already taken, so here we go! More updates incoming soon.
Today I rolled out a new update to the website. Most noticeably the layout and theme of the site has been tweaked and optimized, and hopefully looks a lot nicer. I removed support for "tags", because they were cluttery and not very useful, and added a search box to the search results page.
The rest of the updates are changes to the back-end systems which will allow me to upload photos faster, and with more control.
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, hopefully more photos will be coming soon!
Yet another Canadian Army update, they just keep coming! There are some stunning shots today: A Canadian dispatch rider navigates some mud, and A Canadian Sherman tank overshadowed by a Dutch windmill. Enjoy!
Troops watch activity ashore on Omaha Beach as their LCVP landing craft approaches the shore on D-Day, June 6th 1944.
Crew of a .30 caliber machine gun in a sandbagged position, during or soon after the Japanese air raid, December 7th 1941.
Location may be Naval Air Station, Ford Island.
Damaged stern of the destroyer HMCS Saguenay. Saguenay was rammed by SS Ezra south of Cape Race, and lost her stern when her depth charges exploded. St. John’s, Newfoundland, November 18th 1942.
Photographer unknown.
Personnel of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry aboard a Sherman tank of "B" Squadron of the Fort Garry Horse, near Assen, Netherlands, April 13th 1945.
Landing ships putting cargo ashore on Omaha Beach, at low tide during the first days of the operation, June 1944.
The Coast Guard-manned LST-262 is the third beached LST from the right, one of 10 Coast Guard-manned LSTs that participated in the invasion.
Among identifiable ships present are USS LST-532 (in the center of the view); USS LST-262 (3rd LST from right); USS LST-310 (2nd LST from right); USS LST-533 (partially visible at far right); and USS LST-524.
Note barrage balloons overhead and Army "half-track" convoy forming up on the beach.